Hilltop Farms
PO Box 450
Sadler, Tx. 76264
Cell: 903.815.0321
Genetics Sale
Semen Available On The Following Bulls:
 HLTP Hit Man 453P 1/4 Limi 3/4 Brahman |
 HLTP Power Ball 231H 5/8 Limousin 3/8 Brahman |
 HLTP Strike Zone 345L 1/4 Limousin 3/4 Brahman |
 Mr Hilltop 367M 5/8 Limousin 3/8 Brahman |
 HLTP Ultimate 176E 1/4 Limousin 3/4 Brahman |
Inquire regarding availability and pricing of planned matings and frozen embryos
Select bulls, cows, and heifers available. Please inquire.
 Open Yearling Heifers |


 Beef To Go bull calves |